Spaces Available

Modern Kitchen
Large well-appointed room (carpet) which can split to form two smaller rooms if necessary

Two smaller rooms (timber floor) with small kitchenette

Rooms can be hired individually or in any combination (subject to availability)

Foyer area (carpet) which can be hired if the above spaces are not being used

All rooms except kitchen have reverse cycle heating & cooling












Contact Us

Church Councillors: All Correspondence
PO Box 26, Red Hill, VIC, 3937
Street Address: 201 Arthurs Seat Road, Red Hill
ABN Number: 17 410 696 912

For contact names and phone numbers, please scroll down


The Revd Fiona Goy 0400 522 182

Honorary Assisting Clergy

Willy Maddock    0438 069 528


Ken Falconer
David Benson

0409 410 042
0419 102 306

Verger (Hire of St George’s Facilities):

Jeff Maddock   

0438 069 803